Artist Susan Lordi

Susan describes herself as a maker. Since 1999, she has conceived, sculpted and carved the original of each figure. With her keen observation of the human form, Susan uses gesture to express emotion. Inspired by dance, nature, art history, and personal experiences with family and friends, Susan's figurative sculptures reflect our relationship with people and the world around us.

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  • Front view of standing male and female figures with dark skin and hair holding small baby together

    We are Three

  • Front view of kneeling boy figure in cream shirt and blue jeans holding green potted plant on tall rock carved with words and organic imagery

    something special

  • Left view of standing figure with short light hair in cream dress holding out bunch of pink peonies

    Thank You

  • Front view of seated female figure in cream dress with younger figure, also in cream dress, sitting on her lap


  • Front view of female figure in cream dress with wire wings, holding brown metal shovel in her hands

    Angel of the Garden

  • Front view of female in cream dress with wire wings, holding gray cat in her arms

    With affection

  • Flat square olive-colored plaque with bas-relief carving of female with arms around the neck and head of brown horse

    Quiet Strength Plaque

  • Flat square cream-colored plaque with bas-relief carving of seated girl holding golden dog

    True Plaque

  • Front view of standing figure in cream dress holding bunches of lavender in each hand

    Lavender Grace

  • Two standing female figures, one younger, wearing cream dresses carved with vines and leaves with arms wrapped around each other, on cream wood base

    Close to Me Musical

  • Front view of two standing female figures, one in cream dress, one in blue-gray dress, holding hands and turned as if speaking to each other

    My sister, my friend