Collection: comfort-collection
Comfort Jewelry Aromatherapy Bracelet in Silver
- Size: 7"long (adjustable)
- Materials: brass, metal, stone
- Sentiment: Dear Wonderful You... Take a moment for yourself. Simply pause and breathe. In with the calm, confident energy... out with anything holding you back. Breathe in, breathe out. Move forward. Remember to always put yourself first, just as you deserve.
- Copyright: © 2020 DEMDACO
- UPC: 638713527462
- Adjustable.
- SKU: 1004130282
Growing up in Korea, Esther Yi had the drive to be a designer at an early age. She began throwing away the clothes that came with her dolls to make her own instead. Today, she strives to create pieces that convey messages of self-care and confidence that recipients can intuitively feel. Esther’s talents lend to DEMDACO collections like Giving, Comfort and Your Journey. Each has in common their functionally fashionable and comfort-chic appeal. About her process, Esther says, “I get inspired w hen I see old textiles, trims and fabrics. I’ve always loved the idea that you can take a flat piece of fabric and turn it into something completely different by piecing it together.” Esther has two daughters who encourage her creativity. She say s, “We are always sayingto each other ‘You can make that.’” As a DEMDACO fashion designer, Esther believes fashion can be about beauty and comfort and should include elements of self-care. That’s what she communicates through her work, sayi