Christmas Journey Story Stars
- Size: Stars: 2.25"w x 2"h
- Materials: wood, paper
- Sentiment: The angel, Gabriel, announced to Mary she was favored by God.; Mary visited Elizabeth, her cousin, who was also with child.; An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream.; Joseph traveled with Mary from Nazareth to Bethlehem.; Mary gave birth to baby Jesus and laid him in a manger.; An angel appeared to shepherds watching their flocks at night.; The angel announced the good news that a Savior had been born.; A multitude of angels appeared in the heavens praising God.; The shepherds quickly went to find the baby born in Bethlehem.; Wisemen from afar followed the star seeking the king who was born.; They rejoiced with great joy, worshipped baby Jesus and offered gifts.; The child, Jesus, was born as a gift for the whole world.
- Scripture Verse: Luke 1:26-38; Luke 1:39-56; Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 2:1-5; Luke 2:6-7; Luke 2:8-10; Matthew 1:11-12; Luke 2:13-14; Luke 2:15-20; Matthew 2:1-8; Matthew 2:9-11; Isaiah 9:6
- Bible Version: ESV
- Hanger Style: string
- Copyright: © 2021 Wendy Wiinanen for DEMDACO
- UPC: 00638713633163
- Includes 12 stars to tell the Christmas story.
- SKU: 2020220506
wendy wiinanen
Wendy Wiinanen describes herself as a life-long artist and designer. She doodles on envelopes, makes up recipes, handwrites long letters and grows herbs and flowers in her patio garden. Her imaginative mind overflows onto all her artistic endeavors, creating original ideas, compelling concepts and eye-catching artwork. A blend of traditional and fanciful, Wendy’s artistry is uniquely fresh and always loveable. Her collections feature delightful characters, artful icons, lovely patterns and hand- illustrated lettering. Wendy takes pure delight in bringing ideas to life through “pixels, pencils and paints.” She says, “Within me dwells a beautiful passion to create something wonderful."
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